Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My First Book, "Digger, Digger, Look at That!"

Digger, Digger, Look at That! - Riley Weber
This is my first ebook published to the world! It is a simple book for families and kids that love diggers. My son inspired me to write this book. It's available now on the iBookstore through iTunes, on Amazon, on Barnes and Noble, and more. If your kids love, diggers, front loaders, excavators, and dump trucks, they will love 'Digger, Digger, Look at That!'. I priced the book for dirt cheap at only $1.99, so more people can enjoy reading it and looking at the pictures. Digger, Digger, Look at That! - Riley Weber

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Riley Finishes the Cover to Nooshi's Soccer Time Song

Riley just finished an album cover for Nooshi's latest single, Soccer Time! He drew the picture with pen first, uploaded it to photoshop and colored it. Riley has done all of the artwork for Nooshi's other album covers. Most of them, he painted on canvas, but as of recent starting using the computer more to create more vibrant colors.